This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Linux-Ottawa Wiki
The wiki formerly known as the OCLUG Wiki
Meeting Announcement
Linux-Ottawa March 2025 Meeting.
Thursday March 6th at 7pm
- Online over Jitsi
- Check the mailing list for in-person clusters being hosted by other members.
- Open discussion
- It seems that the hot topic from last month is still active.
- Suggestions for some future topics
- Volunteers for future talks
Ongoing TODO list
- 2018 presentations (JN) – partial
- More should you use linux (JN and others) – first pass done
- Rationalize files into namespaces, e.g., :board ?? need better tool!
- Migrate board meeting minutes - Might be complete for what we have saved.
Should you use Linux?
Linux or, more properly GNU/Linux, is the operating system built on the kernel derived from the seminal work of Linus Torvalds combined with developments of Unix tools from Gnu, or the Free Software Foundation. It is a family of distributions, that is, implementations of this combination of software, with various combinations of components such as window managers, desktop layouts, packaging tools and application sets. Or see What is Linux?
As this website is for Linux-Ottawa, otherwise known as the Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group, we strongly support the use and promotion of Linux. However, that does not mean it is for everyone, or for every purpose. Some of the reasons to use Linux are discussed on that link, along with some situations where Linux may not be the best choice.
Linux-Ottawa Mailing List
In order to be placed on the list, you must send an email to: A handy link appears in this paragraph. Once you have done that, you will be sent an email (please allow sufficient time for it to arrive and check spam filters. Given modern greylisting and other filters, this may take more than 10 minutes) asking you to confirm your desire to be added to the list. Click the link and you will be sent to a web page where you have to confirm that you wish to be added to the list. Subscribe
Unsubscribing from the list is just as easy. Send an email to For your convenience, an unsubscribe link follows: Unsubscribe
The list archive is also available
Note: This a relatively low volume list.
Meeting Presentations & Tutorial Material
Advocacy Projects
Technical Projects and Notes
Tux System Administration
OCLUG Meeting History
This is a conversion of the pages from the old site. There may be a few oddities in the pages, a few of which look like messed up URLs. These will get cleaned up over time, however as the links all seem to work, they are lower priority.