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Board Minutes February 2010

Location: IRC Time : 19:00

   maggi   Margaret Tidman
   tylert  Tyler Tidman
   EricB1  Eric Brackenbury
   wardi   Ian Ward
   bjb     Brenda Butler
   rj_ren  Roland Renaud
   SunRaycer  Richard Briggs
   mcr  Michael Richardson


  • Review OclugBoardForwardAgenda
Programming Olympics cancelled this year... removed from forward agenda.
June: Linux in the Wild added.
  • Donations from February 2010 meeting
Roland will drop them off to Tidman residence Feb 26, 2010.
* Retiring old email lists that are not being used
linux  - keep, our primary list
linux-novice  - CLOSE
mailman - keep, I assume it's a mailman requirement
oclug - keep
oclug-announce - keep
oclug-board - RENAME to oclug-politics to match its full name
oclug-events - CLOSE
oclug-test - CLOSE
oclug-www - keep, provides public record of web site commit information
oclug-www-errors - CLOSE, replace with alias to myself for now
offtopic - CLOSE
ottawa-school-of-it - CLOSE
photography-sig - keep
sysadmin - keep, it has been used recently

ACTION: All board members agreed.  Ian to email bjb (Brenda) to make these changes.
RESULT: Brenda completed changes and closed mailing lists as per above.
  • Potential upcoming meetings
April: bootable USB , JFM
April: NetNeutrality, MCR
June: GPS in Linux - tangogps
supercomputers from PC clusters, MatthewB
  • Open requests for new Board Members to start the 2010 term in April
ACTION: John will follow up with a few leads on new members.  John will announce again at the March general meeting.
RESULT: Seems to be some interest form Lisa L.  
  • Finding someone to “audit” the financial statements
ACTION: Brenda to contact someone, will get back to board once a response is received.
RESULT: No luck with her contact.
ACTION: Find new "auditor"
RESULT: Richard H offered to "audit" the books again this year.  maggi to meet with him within the next few weeks to get that completed.
  • Sys Admin matters,
ACTION: Cleaning up old root access.
  • Other
Changing corporate address.  
ACTION: nashjc will work out details with MCR to get that sorted by the end of March.
Linux job postings on website.  
We will start making mention of any job postings on the website at the monthly general meetings.
  • maggi moved to adjourn, @ 20:26
boardminutesfebruary2010.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by