Table of Contents
- Bruce Davis (x)
- Ian Gorman (x)
- Ed Hong (x)
- Scott Murphy (x)
- John Nash (x)
- Tug Wiliams (x)
Start time:
- Time: 19:00
- Call to order: Scott
- Second: Tug
- Slack Board channel
Review of any outstanding minutes
- July minutes approved
Regular Agenda Items
Committee Reports
New to Linux (New Users)
- There was at least one new person at the last meeting as well as one non-regulars that may have been once before.
OCLUG Customized Bunsen Labs Distro Project Update
- A computer was brought to the August meeting but the test bistro was forgotten. Will try again at next meeting.
Treasurer's Report
- Ian:
- Balance $5,172.82, Scott has expenditures to be reimbursed
Meeting Location
- Willis College has proposed using their St. Laurent location as a meeting place
- Scott is arranging a meeting with them to discuss further
Mailing List
The list of repeating sessions
Planned Regular Meetings
September (August 29)
- Speaker: Scott
- Topic: Pocket PC
- Topic: Distro demonstration
- Speaker: Bruce
- Topic: MediaWiki: combining template and glossary functions to make a contact information pop-up
- Speaker: Scott
- Topic: Ansible
Lightning talks
- gnuCash
- Fortran95 compiler
- Altari 8800 or IMSAI 808 clones
- Zim - wiki
- VisualEditor
List of future topics
New business:
- Wiki review
- clean up - go through the detritus and see what is worth keeping
- Time: 8:13
- Motion: Ian
- Seconded: John
boardminutesaugust-26-2019.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/29 21:48 by bdavis