Topics of repeating sessions
We have a short list of topics for repeating sessions:
- Outreach - to introduce more people to Linux
- Work arounds
- Equivalencies
- Who are the target audiences?
- People who want server/websites
- People who want home/office based servers
- People who want to run a family/community server
- People who want alternatives to Facebook
- Workshops for the public?
- explicit “reviving old hardware” discussions
- Distro talk
- Scripting
- Lighting Talk night - Ignite format
We should do a Linux Beginner session on a weekend, something along the lines of:
- Bring a recent vintage laptop that can boot from USB
- We will provide a linux distro on USB
- Boot into live mode
- Show that most cloud services are available
- Talk about other things we can do with it
- Talk about next steps
Other points about repeating sessions
Maybe we should build a large list of these, shuffle them up and offer them on alternate months to the fixed topics? of course we could always punt a session if something really good comes along
the fixed topics are every three months in between, we are usually scrambling for topics so we could use this as topic material and offer a talk about one of them as a main or secondary topic and possibly have an additional talk or two of these.
It would be nice to set up the topics in advance and then have the entire year scheduled with an option to replace if we get someone with an idea or a guest speaker. It would help advertising the sessions as well.
We should aim for a more distant planning, so people can actually get excited about a topic… instead of just plan on turning up assuming it will be exciting