Table of Contents
- Bruce Davis (x)
- Ian Gorman (x)
- Ed Hong (x)
- Scott Murphy (x)
- John Nash (x)
- Tug Wiliams (x)
Start time:
- Time: 19:00
- Call to order: Scott
- Second: Ian
- Slack Board channel
Review of any outstanding minutes
Regular Agenda Items
Committee Reports
New to Linux (New Users)
OCLUG Customized Bunsen Labs Distro Project Update
Treasurer's Report
Meeting Location
Mailing List
The list of repeating sessions
Planned Regular Meetings
- John is doing the presentation, but in case the presentation and subsequent discussions don't take a long enough, Scott has volunteered to have a backup talk prepared.
- Suggested topic:Digital Elections
- Subject to be followed up at next board meeting.
- Possibly search for a subject matter expert
List of future topics
New business:
- Setting up the Jitsi meetings
- Question: is there an alternative to sending out an email at the last minute with the link to the meeting?
- The method should minimize the possibility of “Zoom bombing”
- Scott is trying to set up a new method.
- “The good news is that my “new” method will allow for me to create a new DNS name and activate it quickly. If I do my scripting correctly, I can have the server redo the names and restart the services in less than a minute. It sends immediately.”
- Do we want to allow an uncontrolled meeting to see if we get “Zoom Bombed”
- There is an issue with the timing of the email sent out with the password to the Jitsi session.
- Time: 20:29
- Motion: John
- Seconded: Ian
boardminutesaugust-31-2020.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/31 20:36 by bdavis