OCLUG Board of Directors Meeting August 10, 2011 19:00 to 20:50
Present: Rob Echlin Mike Kenzie Rob Day JS Taylor
Guests Aaron Wilcox John Nash
Membership updates
- MK - secretary's responsibility (JS Taylor)
Paypal for donations?
- Do we have an account? yes, Ian Ward has access information - this should be in “panic book”
- Should be an offline version of the panic book
- Paypal charges for small transactions!
- Is there any point to having a “donate” button, there's plenty of money in the bank
Adding Aaron Wilcox to BoD
- Motion to appoint → passed
Status of Past President
- John Nash is willing to come to Board meetings when able
- Mike Kenzie noted that previous Board members had similarly
helped out to provide continuity and extra help
September Meeting
- see below for later resolution
- Possibly CodeFactory → would need to pay
- In future, run LitW in September to boost attendance?
- Library doesn't have internet or projector, kick us out at 9PM
- UofO & Algonquin
- Cost of tickets → full access $119
- RMS is opening keynote speaker
- Asking for $500 sponsorship → a few free tickets
- Who decides who gets the tickets?
- Limited exposure for this amount
- Only asked yesterday!!
- Too short notice to make an informed decision
- Event doesn't exactly meet OCLUG's objectives
- Motion to inform FOSSLC that their request was received too late, contact us earlier next year with more detailed information → passed
- R Echlin to respond to their email
Meeting Themes
- Need to find speakers
- Embedded Linux
- Wind River? → we know several people there
- Common thread → by the end of the evening someone should go home saying “I can't wait to try this”
- More hands-on demo sessions
- Drop-in Help sessions?
R Day had to leave at 8PM
Membership increase
- Better to keep the entire group together
- Not splitting out into subgroups (beginners, experts etc)
- Many experienced Linux users don't know about OCLUG
- Lack of advanced notice of meeting topics/speakers
Talk subjects
- head to head timing tests (Windows vs #! vs Ubuntu vs ???)
- Get a bunch of the cheap 2nd hand DTs (TTE?), would be good if they're all the same
- Someone with a referee's shirt & whistle?
- Invite media?
- Advertise the meetings as a good practice run for people giving talks at conferences
- J Nash is giving a talk in Santa Barbara
- Linux gaming night?
- Gav from Cedega gave a talks a few years ago
- Stick to OSS games
- Interactive games
- THis will need to be heavily tested beforehand
- Have things running by September 1st
- Saturday gaming meeting as the September meeting
- Reoccurring meeting, like LitW
- Continue discussion online
- Concentrate on games that can be run on a laptop
- Need to set up server(s) to link user's computers together
- GCompris → kids games from OLPC
- Could get a room at UofO on a Saturday → may cost $50
- Saturday could be easier at Algonquin, could get lots of Algonquin students
NOTE: Since Board meeting, this has been arranged for Sat Sept 17
- Series of related talks
- J Nash → scientific computing
- Contact Carleton U group
- Haskell talk (Andrew Clunis?)
- NumPy, Euler, PyGame
boardminutesaug2011.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by