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Tutorials and Help Materials

Help with GNU/Linux

Choosing a new computer

Obviously, this is a constantly evolving topic, and one that is critically related to personal and institutional needs. Given this site, the OS will be Linux!

2019: Specs for a desktop/tower computer

2019-6-4: My (John Nash) current primary “working” machine, called J6, is a Sept 2011 tower, which has served me well and is still a useful and well-balanced computer for my needs. These are:

  • a lot of management of files, since I have a goodly collection of computer archives, having been involved with building and using computers since 1961, and I have managed to preserve many of the files, as well as materials from my academic career, my creative writing, folk dance, and personal and family history material.
  • some computation (i.e., scientific computing), as well as specialized text processing, which can be intensive but is NOT gaming; I also do some scripting as well as programming for math/stat.
  • much communication activity (web, email, video chat, ftp/ssh)
  • some investigation of other distros (even –horrors– non-Linux) using VMs under VirtualBox
  • some photo, audio and video editing, but mainly of the snip-and-glue variety

I like a fairly big screen. At one time J6 had two monitors, a 24“ HDMI and a 20” VGA, but I've found just the 24“ is fine. Smaller screens (as on my laptops) are not as helpful for writing and programming. I use headphones for audio – no fancy speakers.

J6 has the following setup:

Slides from meeting presentations

Wiki help

Reviews etc

Connectivity Note

Carleton University VPN notes

uOttawa connectivity with Linux

  • 2018 uOttawa changed from local WPA setup to eduroam (??link). Some notes on this would be helpful
  • 2017 notes on uOttawa vpn??
tutorial_items.1559664891.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/04 12:14 by jcnash