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Linux-Ottawa Wiki

The wiki formerly known as the OCLUG Wiki

Meeting Announcement

Thursday April 4, 2019


Centennial Library (Bells Corners), starting at 18:30

The Centennial Library is at 3870 Old Richmond Rd. in Bells Corners. Bus routes 57 and 88 are currently listed as servicing that area. Note that we will be done by 20:20, as this library closes earlier than the other location and we need to restore the room to the configuration it was in when we arrived.

Meeting agenda
April 4, 2019
Annual General Meeting

Once a year we must “elect” a new Board. In recent years we have not had to refuse any nomination, since we have some flexibility in our numbers. This year all but one current Board members have indicated a willingness to remain. Our duties are fairly light:

  • maintain the website
  • maintain the mailing list
  • organize meetings and speakers (our biggest task)

The current Board slate is oclugboardelection2019

  • Building on one of the ideas for future talks, Scott is going to talk about getting started with Linux, specifically what needs to be covered in a guide for new users. This will be a discussion format, as we have people who are still getting started and may have better ideas than those who have been at it for decades.
  • John is going to go over creation of a live USB distro. Goals, features, etc. This will go well with the previous talk as we would like to incorporate some of that into a guide to getting started.

Previous meeting

Thursday March 7, 2019


Centennial Library (Bells Corners), starting at 18:30

The Centennial Library is at 3870 Old Richmond Rd. in Bells Corners. Bus routes 57 and 88 are currently listed as servicing that area. Note that we will be done by 20:20, as this library closes earlier than the other location and we need to restore the room to the configuration it was in when we arrived.

Meeting agenda
  • Administrivia:
    • Elections are next month, so if you want to change out the board, this is your opportunity.
      • If you want to self-nominate, send an email to the secretary to be placed on the candidate list.
      • The list of candidates will be posted on the wiki prior to the election.
  • Discussions:
    • Wireguard Talk
      • WireGuard is an open-source software application and protocol that implements virtual private network techniques to create secure point-to-point connections in routed or bridged configurations.
      • Presented by Qingwei Zhang
    • Quilt Talk
      • Quilt is an open-source software application for patch management. The basic idea behind quilt is to maintain patches instead of maintaining source files.
      • Presented by Brenda Butler
    • Hot Topics: Open

180318 todo list

  • 2018 presentations (JN) – partial
  • new logo (JN) - done
  • mailing list subscription (done)
  • migrate meeting history (SM) - done
  • More should you use linux (JN and others) – first pass done
  • links line - done JN
  • How to edit wiki – mainly for us. Under Board and Tux (JN) – done
  • Rationalize files into namespaces, e.g., :board ?? need better tool!
  • Migrate board meeting minutes

Should you use Linux?

Linux or, more properly GNU/Linux, is the operating system built on the kernel derived from the seminal work of Linus Torvalds combined with developments of Unix tools from Gnu, or the Free Software Foundation. It is a family of distributions, that is, implementations of this combination of software, with various combinations of components such as window managers, desktop layouts, packaging tools and application sets. Or see What is Linux?

As this website is for Linux-Ottawa, otherwise known as the Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group, we strongly support the use and promotion of Linux. However, that does not mean it is for everyone, or for every purpose. Some of the reasons to use Linux are discussed on that link, along with some situations where Linux may not be the best choice.

Linux-Ottawa Mailing List

In order to be placed on the list, you must send an email to: A handy link appears in this paragraph. Once you have done that, you will be sent an email (please allow sufficient time for it to arrive and check spam filters. Given modern greylisting and other filters, this may take more than 10 minutes) asking you to confirm your desire to be added to the list. Click the link and you will be sent to a web page where you have to confirm that you wish to be added to the list. Subscribe

Unsubscribing from the list is just as easy. Send an email to For your convenience, an unsubscribe link follows: Unsubscribe

The list archive is also available

Note: This a relatively low volume list.


Meeting Presentations & Tutorial Material

Advocacy Projects

Technical Projects and Notes

Tux System Administration


OCLUG Meeting History

This is a conversion of the pages from the old site. There may be a few oddities in the pages, a few of which look like messed up URLs. These will get cleaned up over time, however as the links all seem to work, they are lower priority.

start.1554038009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/31 09:13 by jcnash