Table of Contents
- Bart, Lisa, John, Ian, MCR
Payment options
We will be accepting payment on the web site. We need to decide how exactly, and determine how much it will cost us.
- moneris (OCS plugin available)
- paypal (builtin to OCS) - (yes)
- north star solutions (?)
What to do with the money if there is some
- repeat next year
- swag wishlist (with prices) + lead times
- bring speakers (?) maybe too late
- 50-65
- April 29. (relatively firm) john is working on it
- MBA dept connection?
- Contact speakers to book schedule (confirm date, but ask them to not pay anything yets)
Social Networking
- bart has created twitter+identica
- create facebook group (mcr)
To do
- use twitter to build followers
- launch website with some basic content
- contact volunteers (lisa) soon
- Announce that conference exists
- ask if someone would like to speak
- guidelines wrt streams “business/management” + “technical”
- aim for volunteer get-together early Dec.
Site content
- divide into streams
- sell two different
- cross-stream (into) talks < 30 mins
- sell it to your manager
- what managers need to know technically
IT people at UofO
- Trevor is excited (sent a form to John)
Networking the conf
- Pierre Fortier? edu gigapop (mcr)
ottawaipv6summitmeeting20101117.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by