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Tracking code changes in a distributed environment

November Meeting: Tracking code changes in a distributed environment

Date: November 5, 2009 at 7 p.m.
Location: Algonquin College (Woodroffe Campus), room T117


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Tracking code changes in a distributed environment

Speaker: Bart Trojanowski

Software is very dynamic and always changing. Developers use tools for source code management, or SCM, to track changes to their work over time. While traditionally SCM tools have been centralized (like CVS and Subversion) and relied on a single server to be the gate keeper, in the last part of this decade that has been changing.

This talk will overview the terms and concepts used by distributed SCM (dSCM) tools. While the talk is tailored towards Git, it will be useful for (new) users of Git's competitors, like Mercurial and Bazaar.

With even limited prior knowledge about revision control systems, by the end of the session attendees will be empowered to switch their projects to be tracked by a dSCM, perhaps even Git.

Anyone wishing to learn more about using the Git dSCM, is encouraged to join Bart for a follow up tutorial, yet to be announced.

About the Speaker

Bart Trojanowski is a Linux kernel hacker, currently self employed working for clients seeking Linux development and consulting services ( When not hacking Linux drivers and embedded systems, he enjoys playing with his two kids.

See for more info.

Photo captioning

Speaker: John C. Nash

This 30 minute presentation will look at the issue of attaching captions to photos. Most photo software concentrates on the image, but for historical photos e.g., family history, it is important to have good captions and to keep them attached to the image, even when that file is renamed or moved. The speaker claims no particular expertise in photo software, but will talk to the problems of efficiently adding and editing captions, particularly when those with knowledge are scattered geographically.

About the Speaker

Retired Professor of Management at U of Ottawa.

  • 2006 - May – Pres. of OCLUG – Now I'll have to learn more about Linux!
  • 2007 - Mar – have learned a lot, including how much still to learn.

Future Topics

Speaker: Jeff Green

We've also had people offer to give the following presentations. Details and which month they will be offered in TBD.

  • Jeff Green - ( with a possible followup discussion on ethical hacking. (possibly January)

Possible Topics that need speakers.

  • machine security setup, encryption, GPG configuration, etc
  • security panel
  • build your own linux server and website

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