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Linux Ottawa AGM 2022-4-7

Meeting held on Jitsi virtual server.

15 people present for most of meeting.

Called to order at 19:08 by Scott Murphy

Quorum was confirmed by participant list.

Unfortunately, there have been no AGM minutes since 2017.

Board election:

  • We normally have at least 6 directors. However, only Tug Williams, Ian Gorman, and John Nash have agreed to stay on.
  • Richard Guy Briggs agreed to participate in the Board, but has other obligations that may limit his participation.

No other offers to serve on the Board were received during the meeting.

A vote to waive the requirement for an audit was passed unanimously.

There was some discussion of possible developments of Linux Ottawa, followed by a conversation led by John Nash on video formats, particularly the webm format.

2022aprilagm.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 08:40 by jcnash