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2011 Meeting Presentation Notes


Getting your next gig

Jobs in Hi Tech

Speaker: Alan Kearns

CREDIL and the “cooperative commons” model

Speaker: Chris Meloche

Panel discussion: Alan Kearns, Chris Meloche, Tim Inkpen, Ian Gorman, Rob Echlin
Moderator: John Nash

Announcement: The Board is planning the Second Leavitt Memorial Seminar around the theme of Open Source word and text processing. We anticipate building a suite of materials and using a team of presenters. To view, and contribute, ideas, see the wiki item at (NOW DEFUNCT!!)
Despite any note on that wiki, you need to ask nashjc _at_ for a login to edit. (The server cannot send email outside the uottawa domain.) Volunteers most welcome.


Introduction to Yocto

Speaker: Robert P. J. Day

Quote: “The Yocto Project provides open source, high-quality infrastructure and tools to help developers create their own custom Linux distributions for any hardware architecture and across multiple market segments. The Yocto Project is intended to provide a helpful starting point for developers. The Linux Foundation welcomes the participation of embedded vendors, developers, and other open source projects.”

Rob Day will provide an introduction to Yocto!



The Edison Approach. Using scientific software outside the lab. (John Nash) The zip file has slides and demos, though you will need to install quite a bit software to run them. Slides: 2011oclug111006.ppt


Sat. Sept 17 was a gaming fest.


Crunch Bang Linux - John Nash, crunchbang110802.odp See also for how to change default file manager in Ubuntu from Nautilus to Thunar so one can remount USB drives. The page has a script with page numbers, and an online tool to strip line numbers was very helpful. e.g.,

Bart T. talked about the window manager he uses.


Python 2 and Python 3 - Ian Ward


Gnews - Basic Shell Programming - Roland Renaud

Remote Access - Michael Richardson


Kernel Modules - Robert P. J. Day
