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OCLUG Board Meeting May 26 2010 chez Roland

Location: Renaud (156 Lincoln Heights Rd)

Memory stick content from Roland.

S&T Museum or something similar

        Tux Tuesday
        Mike K to check on ogwifi status.

July 18 (SUNDAY) noon - 1400, Strathcona Park

        Picnic not BBQ.
        Solar powered marshmallow roaster
        Need a team!
           Delegator: Eric
           Gopher: JN
        organizing meeting at Beer Sig

Sept: R

        Aug: Sound Woes (panel / lightning talks)
             New copyright law (JST)
        Possibles: Randy McLeod (Low Level Virtual Machine)
        Choices for Encryption --  panel & keysigning
        Updates:  JN: persistent live USB
        ?? Filesystems
        ?? Gnome 3
   * May 2010: Tux upgrade/maintenance? 
        Mike to try to sort out. 

Still to do: AGM minutes and MT financial report – JN

                    Meeting presentations, web site and passwords -- Lisa                       

Email confirmation of readiness July 10 for LiTW

       July 18 after LiTW
 reg meetings
       Aug meeting is Aug 5
       Sept meeting Sept 2

Adjourned at 10:10.