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Board Minutes August 2008

Location: Margaret and Tyler's house.

   maggi   Margaret Tidman
   rj_ren  Roland Renaud
   ttidman Tyler Tidman
   mcr     Michael Richardson
   nashjc  John Nash
   wardi   Ian Ward


passed unanimously
passed unanimously
items added for 2009.
Outreach to universities: John Nash has been trying to contact CS departments.
Could we co-sponsor an event with Carleton CS/Ottawa U CS.
"Back to school with Linux". 
Ubuntu CDs are not yet on library shelves. Likely waiting for vacations to return.
Tyler will prod to make sure that they are available.
    Karen Ballard <>
    Support Services Officer  (web site says she's "budget officer")
    Computer Studies Department
    Algonquin College
    T307b - Woodroffe Campus
    (613)727-4723 ext. 5948
   Two speakers for September.
   The room is T117. The dates are: September 2. October 7. November 4. December 2.

   Need speakers for Oct/Nov/Dec.   
Let's present a list on Tuesday of ListOfApplications.
June 2008: get pamphlets printed up

We got some quotes for brochures, Ian's were the best, but we need to find the list again.
ACTION: Ian will look this up again. 
ACTION: order more business cards.
We need to organize another work-party.
TUX is at Richard's house.
Spare-TUX still needs ram.
ACTION: MCR will organize a work-party.
  Anyone planning to go to  End of October.
  JCNASH: maybe.
  MCR: maybe.
  Tyler/Maggi: maybe.
  oclug-announce was letting spam through.
  who are the moderators?  Ian can moderate, and Brenda can.
  DaveEdwards (dle) needs someone else to moderate the linux-novice list.
  The programming olympics page is still 2007.  We need to post the 2008 results.
ACTION: Need to ask Bill Case to update the page, or move it to the wiki.
  Need to get pictures.
  Discussion about changing away from Alterna Bank.
  Is it worth changing banks? we'd have to make a trip to branch as a group.
ACTION: MCR will ask PCFinancial. 
We will look at purchasing about $200 of these, and ask the members if they want to order some as well.
Adjourned at 21:02.