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OCLUG Migration Plan 2010-11-16

Very simple setup on existing hardware

Debian Stable Lenny


   >= 20G OS
      4 G swap
      extended partition containing two partitions
	data1   <=  10G 
              data2   rest        
      one primary unused
  data1 will hold mailman and content data

no encryption

no software RAID


sshd (openssh-server)
Apache2 and php5


Back up current Tux to USB external drive

Post plan on existing wiki (Note: this is no longer to consult for input, but rather to inform of decisions)

During process, document steps, possibly in partial scripts.

Base install and SSH, within this week or 10 days

JN and Roland will handle supervision of this
Install initial login keys
After this, everything can be done remotely

Install Apache2 and php5

Install Dokuwiki

Migrate web and wiki content

Migrate archives but not members

Install Mailman

Mailing Lists setup
Set up moderators

Re-establishing members

Make Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) accessible from server. 
The constitution and bylaws refer to Board approving new members. 
Bylaws require annual check of list, and this is a suitable time to do so.
send  “This is the bylaws-required membership check” message to all currently
listed members as well as mailing list current registrants. Also post on website
Request return of a signed copy of the AUP (signature image appended, 
or physically signed then scanned), these will be stored encrypted, possibly 
separate from Tux.

Document how to back up new system

Test system is working

Turn off old Tux, change IP address on new system.


regular backups
Panic Book updates
migrationplan.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by