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Using VMs for Special Purposes, SUSEstudio talk and BTRFS presentation

Light Bulb

August Meeting: Using VMs for Special Purposes, SUSEstudio talk and BTRFS presentation

Date: August 6, 2013 at 7 p.m.
Location: Shopify Headquarters

This month we are having a short talk on the utility of VMs for accomplishing specific goals and the main talk will be based on a demo of SUSEstudio and BTRFS

Virtual Machines

VMs as a solution for badly designed services

Speaker: John C. Nash

John Nash will be presenting a short talk on his experiences with the Ottawa Public Library and how he solved his issues with their lending system.

About the Speaker

Retired Professor of Management at U of Ottawa.

  • 2006 - May – Pres. of OCLUG – Now I'll have to learn more about Linux!
  • 2007 - Mar – have learned a lot, including how much still to learn.

SUSEstudio Logo


Speaker: Sean Rickerd

Sean Rickerd will be giving a talk and demo of SUSEstudio

About the Speaker

Sean is currently a sales engineer with SUSE, having held that position since March of 2013. Prior to that, Sean has worked at Headstrong and Rocket Networks.

Butter File System

Overview of the BTRFS

Speaker: Sean Rickerd

Sean Rickerd will be giving a talk and demo of the BTRFS (Butter/Better/B-Tree File System) which is considered production ready with SUSE Linux

About the Speaker

Sean is currently a sales engineer with SUSE, having held that position since March of 2013. Prior to that, Sean has worked at Headstrong and Rocket Networks.

history/meeting/102.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/29 20:44 by