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From Latex to Epub, and in between


June Meeting: From Latex to Epub, and in between

Date: June 4, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Rosemount Branch, Ottawa Public Library

We will be having a short talk on regular expressions by Ian Gorman, followed by the main talk by John updating a prior talk on electronic publishing


There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 17:30 to 18:30 for people who are new to Linux, have general questions, or wish to help out with people who are just getting started.

After Meeting Social:

After the meeting, there will be a social event at one of the nearby pubs or restaurants. A short discussion and vote as to location will be taken then.

GPG Keysigning:

After the main talk there will be the opportunity for a GPG key signing. This is a monthly offering, just look for Scott after the talk and we can go from there. Bring some kind of photo ID and some keyslips if you expect people to sign your key.If you need some method of creating pages of keyslips, there is an online slip generator available.


Static site generators

Speaker: Scott Murphy

Remember when a web site was just a series of HTML files? Quick to load, relatively easy to manage and no databases to worry about? That world is still here, although in a much different format. Rather than write HTML, you can use a different markup language and still get impressive content. This is a short overview of static site generators, why you might want to use one and a quick example of one of them.

About the Speaker

Scott has been haunting server rooms and using/administrating Unix and Unix like systems for more than 30 years now. His background includes IT infrastructure, system administration, deployments and migrations, security and management. He is currently working as a consultant for the federal government.

process flow

From Latex to Epub, and in between.

Speaker: John C. Nash

John Nash updates a talk he gave a couple of years ago with more recent experiences in improving workflow for writing books that are eventually distributed in epub form.

Questions, comments, and shared experiences welcome. The speaker will give a bit of background to some of the formats and tools he uses.

About the Speaker

Retired Professor of Management at U of Ottawa.

  • 2006 - May – Pres. of OCLUG – Now I'll have to learn more about Linux!
  • 2007 - Mar – have learned a lot, including how much still to learn.

history/meeting/124.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/29 20:44 by