PRESENT: John, Bart, Ian, James, Lisa, Michael. Started: 20:15.
ACTION: mcr has sent out an email to Bytown Catering.
ACTION John to contact Telfer Dean to send out request to his IT, and CCS.
MCR reported on primary position (ORION/UofO) connection, secondary is tunnel to OTTIX, third is DSL on 'copper'
3) DISCUSSION about web site CSS.
4) SPEAKERS. - ACTION: Bart to finalize Owen and Mark Blanchet. - ACTION: MCR to track down Eion and Google evangelist.
5) Other groups: - ACTION: PC users Group, MAC LUG, Java users Group, Engsoc.
6) OLD BUSINESS. - ACTION: Ian nightly dump. - ACTION: Ian mysql password… tried to change it, but failed. - ACTION: Ian fix logo… - ACTION: twitter,, etc.
We have given up on two columns for two streams.