Robert Bernier

Robert Bernier, a systems engineer, is a graduate of several postsecondary institutions including Retter College, Lakehead University, and the University of Regina.

Robert is the PostgreSQL Business Intelligence Analyst for SRA America, a subsidiary of Software Research America (SRA) which is one of the oldest software houses in the world today (established 1965).

Although his first experiences with IT dates back to the 1960's Robert only became involved with open source in 1996 after ordering a CD distribution of Linux online.

His current open source activities includes writing to publications such as Sys-Admin, the O'Reilly webportal and casestudies for the PostgreSQL community. He is also the maintainer of pg_live, a live CD distro filled with documentation and reference to profile PostgreSQL for first time users.

Talks given:

2006.02.07 February Meeting: PostgreSQL