* Motion by Scott
* Seconded by John
Board room, Kelly's Condo
Scott: I didn't have any interactions, did anyone else?
IanG: Nothing to report from the last meeting but it is still on the go
John Not much done in the last month but still in progress
John has unspecified financial documents from previous treasurer in his car.
Change account type so we only receive electronic copies If this does not allow for viewing online, then RBC offers this service. Maybe even TD. Tangerine might serve, but read-only and deposit access may be an issue. Get at least one additional signature on the bank account No movement was made on this beyond contacting Aaron to see if he would be available for this task. He is available whenever we get it set up I need to visit the Bells Corners branch and find out if we can do it there or if we need to go downtown. Room Allocation
September room is still up for discussion. Maybe a Dymon location, maybe something else. Going for Dymon
No progress yet, Still have not spent any time on this yet, hoping to get to it shortly. Data is recovered but not yet mined.
John was going to look into ACLs * hasn't done anything yet. * creation of 2 groups, Board and Users
A couple of plugins were added.
So, how about those stickers? Impressions? #### Tux “Maintenance”
I talked to RGB about shutting Tux down for a VPS solution and he offered to let us piggyback on one of his servers. I still think I'd prefer to have a VPS solution. We should have a quick discussion on this. If we stay, we still have the same issues regarding the possibility of a power outage while he is away. I'd like to reduce the “tied to a location” factor a lot. * Scott will set up a trial with a VPS for a year - hosted in Montreal. * Move everything as is over to the virtual environment
Not too sure about the static approach at this time, need to look at the functions and who is using them. * Need the dynamic to keep the job feed, Django is needed for this to work. * Will convert to static after it has been moved to the VPS
Still nothing. Still a item I'll be dealing with.
evaluating alternatives
Keeping this as an action item list for me: * Calendar system that allows subscriptions (see previous item as well) * Archiving of the old lists and making them available * Investigate upgrading Mailman to v3 or replace it with mlmmj
July 16, 13:00 at Strathcona Park * We should have a demo of something - ideas? - My drone is out, no longer allowed to fly it there.
Speaker: Multiple I hope
This is a live wish list. It should grow and shrink with the topics we come up with. It is good to have a reference so we don't lose possible topics. Feel free to add to the list.