RGB post meeting minutes for Jan 2014
RGB post meeting minutes for Feb 2014
Scott will ask Brenda to take over UGC web site update.
Scott to submit expenses for UGC domain registration to Aaron.
Scott will get UGC info from Rob.
Ian will get to meeting at 18:00 as volunteer committee helper.
RGB will submit L3GO domain registration expense to Aaron.
RGB will look at delegating setting up web site for l3go.ca.
RGB will get mailing list set up for l3go.
RGB will post a 7-day reminder of next l3go meeting.
Aaron will get bank online access details from Mike.
RGB will submit corporation status expenses.
All should review the pending ONAC requirements:
RGB will post PGP/GPG slides.
Scott will slot Pupped Labs speaker in for a talk.
Scott: Adrian said he's got a few things he could give some short talks on.
RGB: reminder: alan dekok on freeradius?
RGB: reminder: Jamal Hadi Salim on FoRCES implementations in Linux?
RGB: reminder: Ask MCR about local randomness people.
Scott: confirm with Rob Day about systemd for March
Scott: Ditch biglumber listing for OCLUG at OPL.
Scott: contact Diane Bruce on ham radio talk.
RGB install bare O/S on 2nd v20z.
Scott will draft a thank-you to Cody.
RGB will dig up lav mic.
Aaron will mention robotics challenge mentors at meeting.