Brittania Board Room
Don't be alarmed at the size of this agenda. It is a distilled collection of things that have been running around in my mind for a while now. Bear with me a little as I had some time to gather my thoughts and I'd like to get them up for discussion. We can carry some things forward and a few are going to be here just for record keeping.
In keeping with my plain text mantra, the source for this is a markdown file and we can see how well pandoc converts it after it gets massaged by our secretary. Editing can be done in a browser with an in-browser editor such as:
After the comments from Alex, I did check and I seem to be using CommonMark as my flavour.
This email is the HTML rendered with pandoc pasted into my email client. The nice thing is that a slightly different command and we have the dokuwiki page source as well.
The pandoc commands (for those interested in playing) are:
pandoc --from markdown --to html -o oclug_agenda_20170426.html
pandoc --from markdown --to dokuwiki -o oclug_agenda_20170426.doku
It would be nice if I could just use markdown as the email body, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards at this time. I'll have to look into it.
Scott has sent an email to Richard Hagemeyer to get rooms assigned. He will get back to me with the list for the next few months. I asked to have the same room if possible. People seem to be able to find it easily enough.
Date | Time | Room |
Thursday, May 4th, 2017 | 18:00 - 22:00 | P216b |
Thursday, June 1st, 2017 | 18:00 - 22:00 | P216b |
Thursday, July 6th, 2017 | 18:00 - 22:00 | P216b |
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017 | 18:00 - 22:00 | P216b |
Report from Scott
Based on some commentary during the April meeting, revisiting Tux has come to my mind as a necessary exercise. There are a number of issues with Tux
Report from Scott
I was involved in a bit of detective work earlier today and as a result, I have the following bits of data: Current OCLUG Mailing Lists (from the web interface)
I was involved in a bit of detective work earlier today and as a result, I have the following bits of data: Current OCLUG Mailing Lists (from the web interface) ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- List Description ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Linux OCLUG Technical Discussions linux-novice OCLUG's 'Linux Novice' List Mailman [no description available] oclug-announce Event/Meeting Announcements oclug-board oclug politics oclug-events Event Planning List oclug-www Oclug Webmasters Oclug-www-errors [no description available] OffTopic Ottawa Canada Linux User's Group Off Topic List Ottawa-school-of-it Ottawa/Pythian - System Administation Education group Photography-sig photography special interest group - oclug SIGS-L3GO Low Level Linux Group of Ottawa Sysadmin tux system admins I looked at each of them to see when the last archived message was posted and we have a pretty inactive set of lists: * Linux - Active * linux-novice - Nothing past 2010, probably dead * Mailman - Possibly necessary, just part of mailman, idle * oclug-announce - Emergency Moderation is set, so nothing can be sent here - do we know why? Flame wars? SPAM? Nothing archived since 2009 * oclug-board - Nothing since 2015, and we usually communicate via email. I'll discuss this one a little more below. * oclug-events - Nothing since 2011 * oclug-www - Nothing since 2013 * oclug-www-errors - No archives at all * OffTopic - Nothing since 2004 * Ottawa-school-of-it - Nothing since 2010 * Photography-sig - Nothing since 2013 * SIGS-L3GO - Active * Sysadmin - Nothing since 2014 Examining the mail system that feeds this, we have the following lists: * mailman: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman" * #oclug: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post oclug" * oclug-announce: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post oclug-announce" * oclug-events: oclug-announce * oclug-www: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post oclug-www" * oclug-board: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post oclug-board" * linux-novice: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post linux-novice" * oclug-test: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post oclug-test" * #offtopic: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post offtopic" * linux: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post linux" * sysadmin: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post sysadmin" * photography-sig: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post photography-sig" * #ottawa-school-of-it: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post ottawa-school-of-it" * oclug-www-errors: oclug-www * sigs-l3go: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post sigs-l3go" You can see from the above that oclug-events is an alias to oclug-announce and that list is dead. oclug is commented out, so it discards messages, the same for off-topic and ottawa-school-of-it. oclug-www-error redirects to oclug-www. I think that I should archive the inactive lists with something like mhonarc and make them a menu item from the top menu, something like "historical archive of mailing lists." That way I can remove them from the mailman interface and maintenance would go down accordingly. As for the oclug-board list, I believe we used it for transparency and to allow for group participation. As far as I'm concerned, we currently publish the minutes and communicate to the membership at large, most of whom do not care about the politics, as we can see by the rush to volunteer to be on the board. In the interests of openness, we should probably post something regarding the board meetings and that people are welcome to attend. I think a calendar that people can subscribe to would be more suitable, as we do not have a fixed location, date, or time for the board meetings. Comments welcome.
I'd like a vote on this one. I think it makes sense and it allows for the easing into a lighter weight system for future management. I'm not sure how many of us are Mailman experts, so reducing that to just two lists will make the maintenance easier.
Result of Vote: Remove extraneous lists
Action items that come out of this are:
This is a live wish list. It should grow and shrink with the topics we come up with. It is good to have a reference so we don't lose possible topics. Feel free to add to the list.
Perhaps we could manage to come up with a schedule of repeating topics from this list. I pulled it from the past meetings list on the site. It does appear that we have a history of redoing topics at intervals, perhaps some formalization would be good. If we have enough repeats, maybe we could do one every three months over a two year period or something like that
*Motion to adjourn: Kelly
*Seconded: John 20:40