This is a live wish list. It should grow and shrink with the topics we come up with. It is good to have a reference so we don’t lose possible topics. Feel free to add to the list. [X] indicates we did this one.
Use the update of the wiki as fodder for discussion? [X]
Tools for making graphics in a productive fashion
Ditaa as a possible options
Mermaid as a possible options
Even raw SVG production might be of interest.
Arduino Talk (Peter S) [X]
AngularJS & VScode
Platform independency for application users: Why doesn’t my program work on my computer? [X]
MicroVAX (will be a topic after Scott gets it all working)
HW seems OK now that motherboard has been replaced
Procuring an additional one that might allow me to figure out the remaining issues
Issue getting the console working properly
New (to me) VAX is on the way (I have it, still in the box)
PDP8 emulator & PiDP8 Hardware Panel (More of a short talk) ** Scott Murphy (when completed)
Obsolete telephone reuse ** Scott Murphy (has a project in the works) (getting back to that)
Virtual Box and Docker integration
Virtualizing a Physical machine remotely, using old tools for new tricks. [X]
Grace Hopper Memorial evening - Stories of Bugs
Hardware Show and Tell
Backup Software
Privacy and Security
Uncomplicated Firewall
What ever happened to cfengine?
Puppet - configuration management
Most of the major vendors (including Lenovo) provide native firmware updates via Linux. The only catch is you need a UEFI system.