Pres. Rob Echlin called meeting to order at 19:05 and members introduced themselves with a comment on their favourite software.
Quorum Yes? 20 people as of 19:20
Moved J Nash, Sec. Scott Murphy, nem con.
6307.04$ balance, Income 1333.05, M. K. will send text file to include???
Meetings were held every month, with caveats:
Special events were:
Attendance at meetings seemed to be down from previous years.
Wind-up of OCLUG off the table
Discussion of possibilities.
Algonquin forum - Mike & Korey - Others willing to help
Festival of open source groups / showcase (RE) - Committe: RE, MK, Brenda, Scott, Pedro, Ian
Using money to promote open source events - bringing in speakers - BB – bug squashing party - LPI exam volunteers at open source weekend - other ideas
Small group sessionsfor new Linux users - Meet at various locations around Ottawa? - work with student groups? - Committee: Eric, John, Ian, Pedro, Aaron, J-F.M.
Invite to submit more ideas.
Standing for board: - Aaron - Scott - Rob - Mike - RGB - Ian
6 Board Members by acclamation. - Moved JN, seconded Eric
- Beer SIG location tonight. - Linux List woes (Aaron) - J-F Messier suggested hosted solution given woes with Tux
motion to adjourn Ian, sec. Eric.