[[http://devel.oclug.on.ca/wiki|wiki front page]]
**Location**: Margaret and Tyler's house.
maggi Margaret Tidman
ttidman Tyler Tidman
mcr Michael Richardson
nashjc John Nash
wardi Ian Ward
====== Agenda ======
* Approve Last Month's Board Meeting Minutes BoardMinutesAugust2008
* approval of agenda
no changes
* Review OclugBoardForwardAgenda
no changes
rj_ren Roland Renaud
* Back to School with linux.
we will start thinking about what form this will take.
* get new cards new cards, #13
* onlinux
MCR may attend. No others.
* bank-choices
ACTION: mcr to ask PC-Financial.
* power bars for Codefactory.
We will look at purchasing about $200 of these, and ask the members if they want to order some as well.
* other