Convened at 19:20, at Ian Ward's STORE,
bjb Brenda Butler
maggi Margaret Tidman
mcr Michael Richardson
nashjc John Nash
wardi Ian Ward
rj_re1/rj_ren Roland Renaud
tyler Tyler Tidman
====== Agenda ======
* approval of agenda
items from Brenda added.
* Approve Last Month's Board Meeting Minutes [[:BoardMinutesOctober2007]]
approved unanimously.
* Review OclugBoardForwardAgenda
no items to add
* review open action items.
* [[:ticket:15]] nashjc to contact CLO re: speaker(s) for November/December 2007
suspended for now, let CLO get back to us.
* [[:ticket:16]] mcr will look at converting phpwiki pages to static HTML.
* DONE. agreed to make phpwiki read-only for now, and point people at trac for new content.
* [[:ticket:17]] we need to have a 10-line summary of the process, and an announcement that we are doing this.
* we should demo the new wiki and trac ticket interface in a meeting.
scheduled for December. It is Brenda.
* Monthly deposits
sorted out missing deposits from February/March.
MCR found checque for Feb. donations and March change in winter jacket. Money turned over to treasurer.\
* In trac wiki, make page version number visible without having to mouse on last change, then page history
won't fix. Mouseover is enough.
* address new items.
* (second) Ottawa Chapter, Council of Canadians
- need a mailing list. Could make one on tux.
- no immediate cross-over of ideas at present, but Council of Canadians deals with many
issues relevant to canadians, and therefore has many common issues with open source.
- relates to CLUE, _Adopt an NGO_
- offer valid for 1 year, to be reviewed by OCLUG board.
* confirm that sql-ledger is working for finances.
confirmed to be working after computer move.
* proposal to put up a Xmas break puzzle challenge, with recap in January.
* discussion that we want to order 100 Ubuntu CDs, to be passed to members (at $2 each). See #23.
Tyler will investigate getting a quantity of them.
* status of speakers
* December speaker done.
* January speaker done.
* February speaker is Dell.
* March open.
* April is AGM.
* May is someone else's problem.
* next board meeting is January 22,2008.
* motion to adjourn