[[http://devel.oclug.on.ca/wiki|wiki front page]]
**Location**: IRC
maggi Margaret Tidman
rj_ren Roland Renaud
ttidman Tyler Tidman
mcr Michael Richardson
nashjc John Nash
wardi Ian Ward
====== Agenda ======
* approval of agenda
passed unanimously
* Approve Last Month's Board Meeting Minutes [[:BoardMinutesMay2008]]
passed unanimously
* Review OclugBoardForwardAgenda
nothing added.
* Still to do: Review/followup Suggestions from ticket tracking
talk about other organizations that we would like to bring into the fold.
* Ubuntu CDs received
at library, but no confirmation that they are on shelves.
* status of speakers
* need speakers for August, September
wardi: presentation on OCLUG site.
* address old items.
* June 2008: planning for LitW 2008 - #31
spoke about food +-, veggi plate will be repeated.
keep same quantity of food.
wardi has arranged penguins. nashjc, pump.
RJ will bring BBQ.
We are at site L-for Linux.
* tutorial update
New location is http://www.TheCodeFactory.ca/
Tutorial is next week.
(20:34:25) wardi: I understand that other ottawa groups (codingdojo) are using the space in exchange for help
(20:34:30) wardi: with scheduling software
(20:34:58) wardi: it's a great location, if it works well it might be good for general meetings too
(20:35:16) wardi: they have wireless internet and a projector
(20:36:01) wardi: it is a new business, so they of course would probablt eventually like to be paid for the space
(20:36:31) wardi: I am going to try recording the tutorial
* get new cards new cards, #13
June 2008: get pamphlets printed up
getting quote for brochures.
* new business
* sourceforge.net community awards
nominations might already be closed.
* June 2008: retrive finanial data from reviewer (DONE)
* June 2008: determine how many business card are left, order more.
* June 2008: look at tux backups
* other
Adjourned at 21:02.
Will touch base 2008-07-25. Lunch. Location TBD. [[:BoardLuncheonJuly2008]]