[[http://devel.oclug.on.ca/wiki|wiki front page]]
**Location**: Roland Renaud's house. time: 7:55pm
bjb Brenda Butler
maggi Margaret Tidman
wardi Ian Ward
rj_re1/rj_ren Roland Renaud
tyler Tyler Tidman
Regrets: John Nash.
mcr Michael Richardson
====== Agenda ======
* approval of agenda
added video item, approved
* Approve Last Month's Board Meeting Minutes [[:BoardMinutesJanuary2008]]
* Review OclugBoardForwardAgenda
no additions
* old business
* discussion that we want to order 100 Ubuntu CDs, to be passed to members (at $2 each). See #23.
140 to order, 40 for OPL
allow members to choose amount to donate for CDs
continue discussion on ticket
* address new items.
* IceBreakerQuestion
added items to wiki, please add more
* January 2008: contact Algonquin College re Programming Olympics planning
ACTION: maggie todo
* January 2008: planning for next election (April)
ACTION: bjb to get bio and talk description (and maybe post) and update election page
need to arrange new voting scheme by next general meeting
* Video camera suggestion (via jean)
jean is supposed to create a ticket
* February 2008: ACTION: maggi will interpret the (audit) recommendations and we'll review next year.
ACTION: maggi to finish 2007 postings and forward to Richard Hagemeyer (march meeting)
* February 2008: planning for LitW 2008
Plan for July 27 to coincide with OLS Hacker's bike ride
add item to OclugBoardForwardAgenda
ACTION: maggi create ticket or wiki page for LitW
* February 2008: update on Programming Olympics planning.
still todo
* Review/followup Suggestions from ticket tracking
ACTION: wardi to contact gmane about including -linux list #26
ACTION: maggi to contact NCF about using logo on our site
* status of speakers
* need speakers ..
Aleks Essex is giving a talk in April on his voting system
Russel Mcormand is ready to talk about copyright issues (May?)
bjb, roland: Meeting adjourned at 9:20