**AGM -- May 3, 2011** NOTE: Under construction as at 2011-5-5 The meeting was called to order at approximately 19:15 as we needed to wait to ensure quorum of 20 listed members. The membership list has been updated by Roland Renaud and John Nash in accordance with the Bylaws. There had not been a serious attempt to do this since 2007, and of the nearly 150 email addresses on that list, fewer than 30 responded on the first broadcast. With some secondary effort and names verified at the meeting, we now have almost 50 verified members and suspect that there are more who will confirm in the next few weeks. The President gave his report (attached to this page as pdf). The Treasurer gave the financial report, including mention of recent IPv6 Summit positive outcome. At the time of the meeting, there are still some invoices pending for this event. Note that our financial statements end with the calendar year. 2010 OCLUG financials INCOME Statement -- Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group For the period ending December 31, 2010 Bank income 2.30 Member Donations 664.07 =================== Total Income 666.37 EXPENSES Bank charges 0.60 Picnic Expenses 50.36 dns 20.99 ===================== Total Expenses 71.95 NET INCOME 594.42 Notes : no special events held this year Balance Sheet Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group on December 31, 2010 Assets closing balance $4,973.99 CS-coop share 15.00 Liabilities OCLUG Equity 4988.99 We had only 4 names for the Board of Directors, though at least one person present is considering putting their name forward. The outgoing President (JN) noted that spur-of-the-moment volunteers may regret their enthusiasm, and that offers from those who have given thought to their candidacy are likely to have more positive outcomes. Jean Richard (?? to be verified) moved and Bruce Miller seconded that the existing candidates be confirmed, and this was approved unanimously. The formal business of the meeting was then concluded and Bart Trojanowski and James Puderer presented a brief report on the IPv6 Summit while photos by Richard Guy Briggs were displayed.