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If you came here looking for Rob Echlin, you found me.

Election advertising section

(Kisses proffered baby, as per protocol)

I have been somewhat active in OCLUG for years.

I am interested in a couple of areas.

First area is: getting new members and related tasks, like encouraging intro topics.

However, “intro” doesn't have to be something you already know. I mean, new Linux users need to know about Linux mail clients. And everyone here has used mail on Linux, but how many of us have tried out the latest Evolution or Thunderbird? Is there such a thing as a new version of Pine? (I just checked, there is a new version - it's called “Alpine”. And according to its announcement list, it ended development in about 2008.) Can someone demo it at the next meeting?

Getting new members is something that we all have to do together. I will be asking for help in this area, and I know some people have already offered.

Second area is: working with other Ottawa computer interest groups.

Our group has a lot to offer other groups:

  • Linux expertise, including kernel
  • net expertise
  • programming expertise
  • enthusiastic speakers
  • connections

We can gain a lot of good from other groups:

  • visibility
  • new members
  • more members under 30
  • speakers on specialized topics that are Linux related - Android for instance

We can also share stuff between groups:

  • info on running a techie group
  • jobs info
  • networking opportunities

A little about me

I am a computer programmer specializing in automating software processes, most often in Linux.

My programming skills are in Bash, Python, Ant, and several other scripting languages.

I have a “real life” with 5 kids and a geeky wife, and we will get a car again “real soon”.

I like biking, walking, camping, anything different like hot food and uncommon music. I also like science fiction, strategy board games, camping, and folk music.

My main blog is at Talk Software, including a listing of Ottawa computer-related Groups.

robechlin.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by