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OCLUG Founding Principles

Founding Principles

1. Definitions

Linux - Linux is a mostly POSIX compliant operating system kernel initiated in 1991 by a Finnish university student, Linus Torvalds, and today developed by hundreds of people world-wide. It is released for use under the GNU General Public License. In common usage, the term “Linux” refers to the Linux kernel proper in combination with any number of supporting libraries, tools, and applications.

GNU/Linux - The term “GNU/Linux” is used by some to indicate the importance of the tools and libraries developed by the GNU project for the success of the Linux kernel. While that contribution is undeniable, and while there is merit in the use of the “GNU/Linux” name, for the sake of simplicity and clarity OCLUG uses the term “Linux” in its common usage as mentioned above, meaning no disrespect to the GNU developers.

OCLUG - OCLUG is the Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group, commonly known by its acronym OCLUG (pronounced oh-klug or awk-lug).

2. Mission Statement

OCLUG promotes and supports the use of Linux in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

3. Why Linux?

Linux is Open and Free - The entire codebase for the Linux kernel, the GNU tools and libraries, development tools, and thousands of applications is open and available for use and study. This gives users the freedom to extend and modify the software to meet their needs, and to share their changes with others in ways not possible with other operating systems.

Linux is Inexpensive - The Linux kernel, GNU tools and libraries, and supporting applications are all downloadable from many sites around the world at no charge, or for merely the cost of distribution. This permits anyone to have access to cutting edge end-user software, development tools, servers, and more, regardless of their financial standing.

Linux is Reliable - Linux and other Free and Open Source software has a proven record of reliability and stability.

Linux is Growing - Linux, Free, and Open Source software is growing, in both market share and more importantly in the ability to meet needs and to evolve new methods of solving problems and producing results.

4. Why OCLUG?

Sharing Common Interests - An informal OCLUG was formed in March of 1997. Since then the use of Linux has grown tremendously. The current incorporated OCLUG exists to provide a stable source of support for both new and experienced users in the Ottawa area. It provides assistance to its members so they can use Linux more effectively. It provides access to Linux related information, and it offers its members a forum where they can share common interests, acquire skills, and gain knowledge in a friendly manner.

Information Exchange - OCLUG acts as an advocate for users' concerns and as a conduit for the exchange of information and advice between the local user community and the larger Linux community (e.g. developers, open source organizations, and industry).

Community Voice - Through its members, OCLUG is the voice of the local Linux community and is wholly accountable to that community.

5. Principles

Open and Public - OCLUG welcomes participation. Everyone is invited to join and participate. The openness of the local Linux community has always been a point of pride for OCLUG. With Linux anyone may be a contributor, and OCLUG encourages people at every level to become involved. The Linux movement is as much about people and community as it is about software and computers.

Independence - OCLUG acts in the best interest of Linux and the local Linux community. OCLUG is independent and operates accordingly. OCLUG's operation and policies are not led or directed by any other private, public, or commercial organization or vested interest.

Education - OCLUG encourages its members to freely provide information about Linux to anyone who is interested. Through mailing lists, a website, monthly speakers, tutorials, and special events, OCLUG offers educational opportunities to its members and the general public.

Promotion - OCLUG makes public statements for the local Linux community to promote the use of Linux. OCLUG endeavours to make this advocacy efficacious, well supported, and free.

6. Membership

OCLUG aims to be inclusive with its Membership definition, while keeping the Membership process simple and easy to manage. Membership is intended to be beneficial for people who are involved in the local Linux community. Members have privileges. They can vote in elections of the Board of Directors, they can vote in OCLUG referenda, they can be elected to the Board of Directors, and they receive notifications of OCLUG meetings and events. OCLUG offers various services and sources of information. Anyone, member or non-member, may subscribe to these services. Members are strictly those people listed in the OCLUG Membership list who have requested membership.

Membership in OCLUG is free. Dues are not collected from members.

7. Point of Contact

Organizations that want to communicate with the local Linux community can use OCLUG as their first point of contact. OCLUG assists such organizations by providing accurate information about the community's interests, and by conveying such organizations' information to the community in an appropriate manner.

8. Donations

Individuals and organizations that want to make monetary or other contributions to the local Linux community can do so by making a contribution to OCLUG. When OCLUG accepts contributions it uses them to provide services that enhance the local Linux community.

principles.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by