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Dianne Skoll

Dianne Skoll As founder and president of Roaring Penguin Software Inc., Dianne Skoll directs the business vision and technological direction of the company. With more than 20 years' experience in technology management, custom software development, network design/security and more, Dianne ensures that Roaring Penguin remains focused on high-quality, high-performing solutions to real enterprise needs.

Dianne earned her MEng. in Electronics at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She has received numerous science and engineering awards, is author of Caldera OpenLinux Unleashed and has published industry papers on leaf cell synthesis, Milters and PPPoE for Linux, as well as penning numerous articles for technology magazines.

Talks given:

history/speaker/89.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/29 19:44 by