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Board meeting - March 8, 2012

New board members

- We want to approach prospective board members now, or soon. - Names Who will contact them

  1. Adrian Aaron
  2. Scott Murphy John Nash
  3. Kris Williamson Rob Echlin

AGM agenda outline

1) Financial report

2) Annual report

3) Future of OCLUG Present some ideas for the direction of OCLUG

  1. ask for help deciding
  2. ask for volunteers to help run events
  3. ask for volunteeers for other specific tasks

4) Election

5) Games (OK, we didn't actually say that at the meeting)

6) Beer SIG

List of members

We will start with the existing list from last year and do the same thing with it: - mail everyone on the list - ask them to reply if they still want to be on the list - announce on the OCLUG list - announce on the OCLUG site

General notes

- The soft copy of the panic book is on the server

Possible events

Big meeting of many Ottawa Software community clubs

- Software Freedom Day is Sat Sept 15 - Start now

  1. find spaces, scout them
    1. desireable (says Rob)
      1. power outlets near sides of room
      2. overhead projector
      3. sound system so each club can do a presentation once during the day (or 2x?)
      4. A big hall would work
      5. tables for each club
      6. chairs for 50 people near presentation area
    2. suggested locations
      1. SITE - Engineering building at U of O
      2. Desmarais Building at U of O
      3. New building at Algonquin - they have a big eating area there
      4. a hall
  2. Funding
    1. We can pay $500 for the first one
    2. Clubs may be willing to donate $100 each next time
    3. corporate sponsors?

Hack fest

- with Group 51 - people hacking at the server get to be on the overhead - someone explaining what they are doing

Small meetings to help people with computer problems

- Umi Cafe is one location - sign on a stick - contact seniors groups and condos in the area - different locations

Promoting OCLUG meetings

- find speakers in advance - posters → consdiered maybe too labor intensive - post to lists of other Ottawa groups

  1. need volunteers to help with that

- post to our Google+, Twitter, Facebook

  1. post with just one command if possible
  2. John Taylor volunteered to do it - he has the software, he thinks.
    1. needs passwords
    2. needs something to post
    3. may be able to post to groups as above, also?

Plan B

WE discussed, briefly, options if we do not get a full slate of board members - Meetings have fewer attending - getting a Quorum at board meetings is an issue - many members are active online but do not attend meetings in person

Options: - fold

  1. decide how to dispose of the money
  2. pay someone to host the site and the mail list for 5 years and pay them?

- revise our organization to do fewer things to deal with fewer people to do them

  1. small meetings with no speakers
  2. fewer meetings per year

- work with C4C on volunteerism stuff


Donations from March meeting were passed to the treasurer. $40

- Did not discuss minutes of December meeting

boardminutesmarch2012.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by