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OCLUG Board Election 2008

The election will take place at the Annual General Meeting in April:

The minutes are at AGM 2008


In order to vote you must first be a registered member of OCLUG. You may register at the February or March meetings.



To run for one of the six positions on the board, add your name here (as a wikilink) add some information about yourself in the linked page. “Write-in” candidates may announce that they are running at the April meeting before the vote takes place.


The running candidates were appointed to the 2008-2009 board by acclamation.

Experimental Election Results

We held an election anyway, to try out the Scantegrity II system, with some “fake” floor candidates:

  • Floor candidate 1: Hillary Clinton
  • Floor candidate 2: Barrack Obama
  • Floor candidate 3: John McCain
num ballots 27
John Nash 21
Roland Renaud 16
Michael Richardson 21
Margaret Tidman 17
Tyler Tidman 18
Ian Ward 22
Floor Candidate 1 7
Floor Candidate 2 14
Floor Candidate 3 6
spoiled 1

Extra note

Three people who wanted to vote and who should have been on the list of eligible voters were not on the list. That was my mistake. I will find the right voters list before I hand it over to the new board. I think I substituted an older list for the current list at some point in the last few months.

bdstuff/oclugboardelection2008.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/02 23:14 by scott5