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Short topics and open talk night


October Meeting: Short topics and open talk night

Date: October 1, 2015 at 7 p.m.
Location: Algonquin College (Woodroffe Campus), room B185

Note This meeting is at the Woodroff campus of Algonquin in Building T, room T-317 at 7:00pm

This month we will be having a few short talks kind of a lightning talk night. We only have one talk finalized so far, but if anyone has a topic they would like to make a short presentation on, we will entertain them as well. As talk details are confirmed, they will be added to the list.


There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 18:00 to 19:00 for people who are new to Linux, have general questions, or wish to help out with people who are just getting started.

After Meeting Social:

After the meeting, there will be a social event at one of the nearby pubs or restaurants. A short discussion and vote as to location will be taken then.

GPG Keysigning:

After the main talk there will be the opportunity for a GPG key signing. This is a monthly offering, just look for Scott after the talk and we can go from there. Bring some kind of photo ID and some keyslips if you expect people to sign your key.If you need some method of creating pages of keyslips, there is an online slip generator available.

Lightning Talk

"LibreOffice and Scribus: Which One? Or Both?"

Speaker: Ian Gorman

A short talk and demo about how Ian uses them and when he would choose one over the other.

About the Speaker

Ian has a lot of experience at applying experience outside of its original box.

He has solved problems in Economics, Math, Computer Science, logic based controllers, bicycles, and human relations, generally mixing in information from at least one other discipline or computer language to make it work, or work better. His experience with computers includes Linux, Mac, and several server OSes from IBM, Sun, and others. He has worked with drivers, parsers, API design, business rules, Java garbage collectors, and some less exotic code that just needed to work.

Lightning Talk


Speaker: Scott Murphy

A short talk on what to do when you realize that the person who documented all the network just took off and everything is in visio format. All is not lost

About the Speaker

Scott has been haunting server rooms and using/administrating Unix and Unix like systems for more than 30 years now. His background includes IT infrastructure, system administration, deployments and migrations, security and management. He is currently working as a consultant for the federal government.

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