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Android SDK!
September Meeting: Android SDK!
Date: September 6, 2012 at 7 p.m.
Location: Shopify Headquarters
Setting up Android SDK under Linux
Speaker: Jean-Francois Messier
Jean Francois had an Android tablet, and wanted to root and manage the software on it. Installing the Android SDK on Linux turned out to be non-trivial, especially when you want to install it on yet another VM. He has written scripts to manage this process, and will help us understand what it takes to make this work on your Linux system or VM.
Jean-Francois presented this talk at Linux Syposium in July. He has updated the scripts for current versions of Android.
I am looking forward to installing Android SDK on my Linux laptop!
About the Speaker
I work in IT Security in the Federal Government. I've been heavily involved in firewall management, DNS maintenance and upgrade for Canadian Goverment-owned domains. I have been managing BIND-based DNS servers since 1998. I'm doing less right now, although I now manage my own domain using a web interface, which I will demonstrate. I was also involved in PKI since 1998, and cryptography. I'm rather limited in the level of details I can disclose, of course, by the nature of security.
I'm using Linux for several years now, mostly Ubuntu. I'm a big fan of Linux, although I'm not an expert.
Lightning talk: Helping a Linux newbie
Speaker: Ian Gorman
When someone recently asked for help to install Linux on his computer, there was a flurry of email discussion, and then Ian Gorman was the one to take the assembled advice, and input from the new user, and apply it to the newbie in question and their computer.
Ian will talk about the problems he encountered and how he solved them in this case.
About the Speaker
Ian has a lot of experience at applying experience outside of its original box.
He has solved problems in Economics, Math, Computer Science, logic based controllers, bicycles, and human relations, generally mixing in information from at least one other discipline or computer language to make it work, or work better. His experience with computers includes Linux, Mac, and several server OSes from IBM, Sun, and others. He has worked with drivers, parsers, API design, business rules, Java garbage collectors, and some less exotic code that just needed to work.