===== Digital Photography with Linux ===== {{history:tuxcamerasmall.png?320x240|tux with camera}} ====== March Meeting: Digital Photography with Linux ====== Date: March 4, 2010 at 7 p.m.\\ Location: [[history:location:16|Algonquin College (Woodroffe Campus), room B457]]\\ ===== Introduction to Digital Photography with Linux ===== Speaker: [[history:speaker:48|Eric Brackenbury]]\\ This presentation and demonstration will show some basic digital photography operations and some Linux tools that can be used for them. \\ ==== About the Speaker ==== Small business computing for manufacturing retail purposes. Now moving to Linux for the last two years. http:%%//%%www.brackenbury.ca ===== Intermediate Digital Photography with Linux ===== Speaker: [[history:speaker:47|Richard Guy Briggs]]\\ Some intermediate digital photography will be covered such as basic and advanced topics in the GIMP, followed by discussion and questions. \\ \\