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Meeting Date: 2008 Apr 01

Meeting Location: Algonquin College (Woodroffe Campus), Room T117

Minutes recorded by: Randal Leavitt

Chairperson: J. Nash, OCLUG President

Bill Case moved that the meeting begin. Motion seconded by Robert Echlin. Unanimous approval.

A count indicated that more than twenty members were present, so a quorum was achieved.

The Chairperson issued a verbal request for any other nominations of people wanting to run in this election for OCLUG Directors. No other nominations were raised by those present.

Six candidates have been nominated for the six Director positions. Consequently, the Chairperson announced that these candidates have been acclaimed and a voting procedure would not be conducted.

The Auditor's report was not finalized and was postponed until the next meeting. The Auditor, Richard Hagemeyer, announced that the report was in the final stages of preparation. He indicated that the organization's books are in good order, the organization is solvent, and that his primary recommendation will be that the organization move its banking activities to a bank that better matches the organization's needs.

The Chairperson issued a call for any other business. No other business was called for by those present.

Robert Echlin moved that the meeting close. Bill Case seconded this motion. Unanimous approval.

oclugagm2008.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by