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In the Community

OCLUG members are active in the local community. This is a place to share our community efforts and experiences!

Photo SIG outing to Petrie Island - 2010-10-18

The OCLUG Photography Special Interest Group had an outing to Petrie Island. Petrie Island is a group of islands just north of Orleans in the Ottawa River. It is well known for migrating birds and terrific fall colours. In summer, it is a popular destination for swimming, picnics, sports, and beach activities. The nature trails and forests are open year round, and are very popular with photographers and nature enthusiasts. Small animals and many species of birds inhabit the forests and waters around the islands. Many turtles can be seen along the shorelines during the summer. A variety of mushrooms and fungi can be found in the late summer and autumn. The colours and reflections possible in the still waters of the bays and ponds make it a photographer's dream in the fall.

There was a relaxed and easy pace, enjoyable chitchat, and much sharing of ideas and tips.

Richard Guy Briggs' photos here
Peter Sjobergs photos are under both gallery2 and flickr

Eric Brackenbury taking the Photo SIG's group photo\\
OCLUG Photo SIG group photo\\
Left to right: Richard Guy Briggs, Gary Jones, Norm, (uh-oh, help?), Peter Sjoberg,\\
Lisa Lovchik, Eric Brackenbury, Nickie Ontiveros\\
Lisa Lovchik zooms in on the local flora\\

Ubuntu 10.10.10 Release Party (Ottawa) - 2010-10-10 at 10:10 a.m.

The Ubuntu 10.10.10 Release Party (Ottawa) was a social event held by the Ottawa Ubuntu LoCo (part of the Canada Ubuntu LoCo). OCLUG folk were present and much fun was had by all!

Left to right: Mary, John Gill (Ottawa Ubuntu LoCo), Tim, Lisa Lovchik (OCLUG), John Nash (OCLUG), George Standish (Ottawa Ubuntu LoCo)
Behind the camera: Jean-François Messier (OCLUG)


Computers for Communities - 2010-09

Several of our members have been helping Computers for Communities in its efforts to bridge the Digital Divide. C4C (as it's affectionately called) refurbishes donated computers that would have otherwise have gone to landfill, installs free and open software, and distributes them through “sweat equity.” After 24 hours of volunteer time, a volunteer earns one of the refurbished computers. In the meantime, (s)he learns valuable computer repair skills in a friendly, supportive environment - no experience needed. Recipients get one year of free support to help them on their way. C4C also works with local community service organizations, co-op housing, etc. to set up computer labs for their clients. OCLUG and C4C share many common goals. To this end, our members are proud to work together on a variety of projects to benefit those in need in the Ottawa area.

Promotional video for C4C - includes interview with OCLUG Vice-President Lisa Lovchik

community.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 15:23 by